
Extract all file from eccoext.rar to EccoPro install directory

If you use eccoext before, you should not extract eccoext.ini file, you can compare the file difference and merge some changes or just ignore it

Make sure you using EccoPro v4.01.363 (ecco32.exe)

Close EccoPro process

Make sure there is no process 'ecco32.exe' in taskmgr

Double click to run eccoext.exe

eccoext.exe will load the ecco process

Now a icon will display in task notification area

Click the icon to show the main window

Make sure you are using w2k/xp/2003/Vista OS/Win 7, 8, or 10 (Win95 & Win97 are not supported)

Feature highlights

(Read at your own risk- we are not responsible if your head explodes from all the possibilities)

Fix bugs of EccoPro Version 4.0.1

Fix the "Unhandled Registry Error (CFO)" under non-admin privilege

Y2K tickler problem resolved

Fix print "Two Saturday's Bug"

GetChanges bug fixed, see link []

DDE RemoveView bug

Start minimized to tray/Close to tray/Minimize to tray

Full mouse wheel support(Folder/Composite view/Form/Non-focus window)

Enhanced Auto-Assign Rule(Regexp/Cumulative function/Depends relationship/LUA Script/JavaScript/Python/Perl/VBScript/Ruby)

Item dependent relationship

Automatic move of orphan item into the Orphan folder

Copy without subitem/Paste Block(Reduce global pointer/items)

Copy with column/Paste with column(Exchange data with Excel freely)

Copy/Paste RTF

Customize your own shortcut

You can customize almost all commands with your own shortcut

SendTo Ecco for many other programs, right click menu (Firefox and Office suite are not supported, but you can use a Global hotkey)

Show Item Count in Folder name

Auto match date/time in the item text

Auto match folder in the item text

Support LUA/Active Script command in Launch Tool

Item/Folder tooltip show context/folder/depends information

Multi-level sort

Multi-column persistent sort

Color folder

Quick search selected text

USB run mode

Item Lock

Multiple instance

Regular expression find/replace

Context-free mode

Column Filter/Item Text Filter

Item Link/Bookmark/Item Clone



Bug fix

Fix bug

Fix some bug related to "Extend Text Folder"


Bug fix

Some minor bug fix



Add dual monitor fix

Add parameter for function send_command(cmdid, lparam)

The Evaluator Expression dialog now resizable

Add two function to use the lua function outside the ecco like IUP

ecco_init() return 1 if sucess

ecco_end() no return value

Here is the example


a = iup.button{title = "hello"}

function a:action ()

if ecco_init() then





dlg = iup.dialog{iup.vbox {a}}



Bug fix

Fix bug


Bug fix

Fix bug


Bug fix

Some minor bug fix



Internal lua version reverted to v5.1.5

Put lua52.dll in the ecco directory and set [LoadLuaDLLVersion=52] to use lua v5.2.1

The lua52.dll in the EccoPro Extension directory in file section is compiled compatible with v5.1(For example, table.maxn is retained)


Execute lua rule performance optimized



The command has any shortcuts now display as RED in the shortcut dialog

The lua now upgrade to version v5.2.1

The default lua engine is lua5.2.1, which is compiled in the eccoext.exe

If you need lua5.1, you can put the lua5.1.dll in the ecco directory, then add the eccoext option [LoadLuaDLLVersion=51] to tell EE load lua from lua5.1.dll. You need restart EE to make it work.

If you need lua5.2 from dll(For example,you need load other library which depends on lua5.2), you can put the lua52.dll in the ecco directory, then add the eccoext option [LoadLuaDLLVersion=52] to tell EE load lua from lua52.dll. You need restart EE to make it work.

Enable mouse gesture in the notepad

What is the mouse gesture

Just holding down the right mouse button, move the mouse, then release the button

The mouse gesture feature is enabled by default, you can disable it to set the eccoext option [[MouseGesture]] to 0

When the mouse gesture feature enabled, if you click the notepad with the right button, the context menu will not appear untill you release the button, and if you move the mouse more than 4 pixel before release the right button, the context menu will not appear

I have created two default mouse gesture

Move Back: goto the last location

Move Forward: goto the next location

You can use third party utility to create you own mouse gesture



Just Gesture

Add eccoext option [[SortWithHomeFolder]] to disable sort when you open the folder initially

Add eccoext option [[RecentItemFirst]] to make the item show on top or bottom when item added to the other notepad

Add eccoext option [[SortAfterLostFocus]] to disable persistent sort when you enter an new item, it will be postphoned after the item lost input focus

DDE now support return buffer more than 32K



[Depends] folder value is editable manually

Item color now cover time part in the week/month summary view

The EccoExt text type folder [Depends], [Dependents], [LinkAnchor] can be convert to Extend Text type

[RecurDate] folder can be deleted with [Enable Modify] command

Add color customize(in ecco extension option/misc dialog) for vertical column line and separator line between item text and column

The separator line after line number and separator line between item text and column now limited to the last visible item bottom, you can disable the feature with set LimitVerticalLine=0 in eccoext.ini



Customize you own toolbar button for any command

Edit the toolbar_ee.bmp with you own button in the empty button area

Add section [Toolbar] in the eccoext.ini

Add the command and button relationship in the [Toolbar] section as


[command] is the name of the command, look at the [Shortcut] section to see the all command

[toolbar_id] is the index of the bitmap button, you can use the syntax like '0x0508', for example, the following buttom's toolbar_id is 0x0501, the high word is the right number, and the low word is the bottom number


Bug fix

Fix bug set_folder_value with datetype folder and empty string will not remove the folder value, see



"RecurDate" folder feature is removed

Tooltip for day/week busy bar added



Fix the "RecurDate" folder properties



Add folder "RecurDate" which automaticly set the next recurring date of the recurring item, so you can keep up with the recurring event in the normal notepad

In the template You_Life_Managed wussery say:

Ecco will ONLY show recurring events in the Calendar View. Consequently, these types of appointments will NOT appear in ANY of the created OUTLINE views UNLESS you have clicked on the CARRY ---> Column in the THIS WEEK view. However, if you attach an ALARM to the event, you will be notified by Ecco at the appropriate time, regardless where you are in the file.

Be Forewarned, that should you enter a Recurring Event, YOU MUST:

CLICK ON the CARRY ---> column and/or

Attach an alarm and/or

Monitor the Calendar View

I prefer you choose the FIRST TWO options, because this will allow you to maintain your FOCUS in the THIS WEEK and TODAY views.

There are many users of Ecco, hoping that the implementation of Recurring Events will be addressed in the next release of this most elegant of programs.

Now you can follow up the recurring event not only in your calendar

Add option "RecurringNoteForTickler" to make the recurring notes works in tickler

Day detail dialog now resizable

Add tooltip for sub-folder column

Add more detail info in the tooltip for the date folder value

Add "Copy With Folder Value" command, it is same as "Copy Normally", but maybe more clear to add it

EccoExt bug fix

Fix bug


Some bug fix



Support tooltip for calendar week and month summary view

Add tooltip option to show item text

Now "Extend Text" folder support

"Import/Export" command

"Copy Notepad" command

"Paste With Folder Value" command

Insert column menu can insert extend text type column

Paste in the extend text folder type column works now

Add function for compute bussiness day

Normal expr and function

New operator '++' means add bussinese days, and make sure the result date is bussiness day

For example

"20121223" ++ 1 will result "20121227" with "United Kingdom" holiday

"20121223" ++ 7 will result "20130108" with "United Kingdom" holiday and will result "20130103" with "United States" holiday

New operator '--' means subtract bussiness days, and make sure the result date is bussiness day

Function IS_WORK_DAY ( expr ) to check if the date is the bussiness day

Lua/ActiveScript function

add_work_days(date, inc_days) add bussiness days

is_work_day(date) check if the date is the bussiness day

The [[contain date expression]] now support '+3b' means add 3 bussiness day

The date column/folder now support expression same with the [[contain date expression]], for example, you can input '+3b' in the date column means 3 bussiness day after today

The vertical align of the column can be change with the column menu for per-column base, option [[MiddleAlignForColumn]] is the default align type of the column



Add option "Close dialog after collect all" in the find dialog

Text and subfolder column type value will align vertical as middle

Item background color now will cover the area at the right of the column

Item background color now work for phonebook

Item background color now enhance for non-column-grid mode

The background color for phonebook current item can be customized with ecco extension option/misc dialog

Recover file now restore the file local backup copies count and daily backup file name

You can customize the nomal notepad grid line color in the notepad option menu

You can customize the focus rect color with ecco extension option/misc dialog

Color Preference dialog is more easy to use

Item font style will apply for calendar week/month summary view

Add eccoext.ini option [[NoFolderNameForWeekSummary]]

Add new address copy style "NAME / COMPANY / ADDRESS / ZIP-CODE, CITY / COUNTRY"

Now support url like and will be launched as web address

Add normal function SWITCH

SWITCH(cond1, value1, cond2, value2, ...[, default_value])

If the cond1 is true, then return value1

Else if the cond2 is true, then return value2

If all the condtion is false, and there is odd parameter, the last value is returned, or else the empty string is returned

Function SWITCH is a enhanced version of function IFF, you can use SWITCH to avoid nested IFF

Bug fix

After press F2 to edit tickler time will change the cursor



Add rule flag 'X4' mean that the rule should not be executed when you execute command "Check Folder Rules" or "Check All Folder Rules"

[[ToolbarAlignLeft]] option is added to the toolbar config dialog

Function GPRD and GNRD has added optional date arg used as base date rather than today

GPRD([folder_name], [date])

GNRD([folder_name], [date])

Add command "Goto Prev Notepad", default shortcut is CTRL-SHIFT-TAB

The column value(except text type) now always align vertical as middle



Add sticky selection(Add or remove selection without press CTRL key)

You can use menu "Item/Select/Sticky Select" to toggle sticky select

Or use CTRL-SHIFT-CLICK to start sticky select, ESC or CTRL-SHIFT-CLICK again to end sticky select

Add eccoext.ini [[ToolbarAlignLeft]], set to 1 to make the toolbar display align left

You can add more button(up to 127) to the toolbar for every toolbar line(native limit is 40 include button and separator)



Add command "Goto Next Notepad", default shortcut is CTRL-TAB

Add background color for calendar weekly, monthly view

Add eccoext.ini option [[BkColorForPhonebookCurrentItem]] to set the default phonebook current item background color

Item background color now can be extended to the column, option [[UseBkColorForColumn]] can turn off this feature. If you set UseBkColorForColumn=0 and you want to some item to extend the background color to the column, you can use the EccoExt Flag to enable this. Just right click the item select "EccoExt Flags/Background Color For Column"

Folder [FontStyle] strike out style now is also set for column

ThinkPad trackpoint now works for scroll



Add eccoext.ini option [[ZoomFontForColumn]] to control if the zoom apply to the column, default is 1(true)

Bug fix

Restore the F2 function in the calendar notepad



Add new copy command "Copy CSV With Folder Value"

It will copy all select items with all folder value as CSV, you can paste it in the Excel

Add eccoext.ini option [[AlwaysDeleteFromFileWithoutConfirm]]

Character dialog(CTRL-K) now will show which style is the item's own style(The label is RED)

Add item selection for 'S' 'R' rule

In the previous version, 'S' and 'R' rule are executed against all items, now you can specify which items should be executed to these rules

You can use '{' folder1, folder2 '}' grammar in the flag part of the rule to specify that only the item has value for folder1 or folder2 should be executed against the rule

Example: ++:MFS{Folder1, Folder2}:value:cond

You can use '{' folder1 & folder2 '}' grammar in the flag part of the rule to specify that only the item has value for folder1 and folder2 should be executed against the rule



Add eccoext.ini option [[ContextParentBGColorType]] to control how to display background for the context parent item

The valid value is

0: default. Use the value from [BGColor], or else no background color

1: Always use the context parent background color regardless the value of [BGColor]

The context parent background color can be modified in the Ecco Extension Options/Miscellaneous tab

2: Use the context parent background color if there is value in [BGColor]

3: Use the value from [BGColor], or else use context parent background color

4: No background color



Add more font size menu item in the font size menu

Bug fix

Fix issue



Add rule flag 'X2'

The rule will not be executed if there is more than one rule in the folder, and at least one rule has changed the folder value(include remove the folder value)

For example, you need set the color according folder1 and folder2 with the following rules

rule1: ++:!X2:0xFF:[folder1] // If folder1 has value, the color is red

rule2: ++:!X2:0xFF00:[folder2] // If folder2 has value, the color is green

rule3: ++:-X2:: // If folder1 and folder2 has no value, the color is default



Add rule flag 'X1'

The rule will not be executed if the folder value of the rule changed

You can use this flag if you need

Manually change the folder value without trigger the rule

Another way to create rules like a = b + 1 and b = a - 1



You can set extra font size of the item, it is controlled by folder [ExtraFontSize]

It is the extra size added to the current item font size, so it can be used to make a item show more bigger or smaller

The value is range from -32 to 32



You can set the background color of the item, it is controlled by folder [BGColor]


EccoExt Bug fix

Fix bug



Add feature to customize your own toolbar and icon

Copy the toolbar_ee.bmp and icon_ee.bmp into EccoPro directory

Modify the file with you image editor

Restart the EccoExt


If you don't need customize the toolbar and icon, you needn't copy these two file into the EccoPro directory



Recover now restore the calendar options

Recover now restore the top item of the notepad

Recover now restore the height of the word wrap columns

EccoExt bug fix

Option EnableNumpadKey=0 doesn't work for first key press


EccoExt bug fix

Minor bug fix for last day of month of month date recurring type



Month date recurring type now support last day of month

Recover now restore the current item of the notepad

Recover now restore the relationship of the system folder

Recover now restore the first column position

Recover now restore the composite view

Mouse Scroll with third party software like Flywheel will not make the input text disappear any more


EccoExt bug fix

Some minor bug fix


EccoExt bug fix

Fix bug sometime generated error when check folder rule manually with lots of items


EccoExt bug fix

Fix bug

Fix bug



Recover now restore the sequence of the notepads

Recover now restore the "show view tab of phonebook/calendar/notepad"

Tripple click to select the whole item

EccoExt bug fix

Fix bug



Try to prevent phonebook search options lost

Add DDE request command

GetFolderRule, folderid

SetFolderRule, folderid, <"rule" *>

Recover now restore the "color preference"

Recover now restore the setting "use home address when printing"

Recover now restore the "phonebook options"

Recover now restore the "notepad label style"

Recover now restore the notepad items expand/collapse status

Recover now restore all the EccoExt configuration

Line number now can display Roman Numeric correctly

FontStyle folder now support strike-out style, or the value with 8 will make the style to strike-out, see [[FontStyle]]



Add DDE request command "SetExtendTextType, folderid"

The UniqueID generate method now improved, now there is no UniqueID collision between sync copies

EccoExt bug fix

Fix bug



Add new command "Convert To Normal Text", so you can convert the folder type between "Extend Text" and "Normal Text" easily

The default column align for "Extend Text" now is left, rather than right

EccoExt bug

Fix bug



Add new folder type "Extend Text", which will only occupy a small number of misc pointer

You can new folder, and set the folder type to "Extend Text"

You can convert the current Text type folder to "Extend Text" type, just press 'CTRL' and right click the folder, then select "Convert To Extend Text'

You cannot convert the system folder to "Extend Text", because Ecco will complain that the file is corrupted

The new "Extend Text" folder support

Show/Modify/Clear folder value with column

Modify/Clear folder value with folder window

Show/Modify/Clear folder value with form


sync with other file

native filter/column filter

DDE get/set folder value

get/set folder value with Lua/ActiveScript/AutoAssignRules



Recover the file now will not fail if the VOU overflow during the recovery period

Some issue of the [[Extend Folder Item Count]] fixed


To support sync for [[Extend Folder Item Count]] and [[Extend Text Folder]] feature, I have added some more sync command which the native ecco doesn't recognize, so if you open the sync file with native ecco and get the "Unable to complete command" error, that ok, you can just close the file and reopen the file with EE.

There are lots of changes starting from version v4.6.3.4, so please backup you working file before the use of the new features



More stable with feature [[Extend Folder Item Count]]


Bug fix

Fix bug the line number after the empty line is display start from 32768



Remove the folder item count limit. Now all kinds of folder can contain more than 64K items.

Bug fix

Fix bug



Add eccoext.ini option [[DisableFolderAlarm]] to enable [[disable folder alarm]] feature

Bug fix

Fix bug

Fix bug



The second number of the folder item count now means 'The max count of it's descendant folder'.

Command [[Copy Folder Item Count]] now will copy folder rules

Add default search engine, they are google, bing, yahoo and, you can replace with your own search engine in eccoext.ini. see [[Search Engine]]

Bug fix

Fix bug



Command [[Paste Folder Info]] now add [FolderRule] folder, so you can check all the folder rule with notepad feature

Add new way to use alias link.

If you link to a item which only have several character, you can use [[LinkAlias Item]] method through set the [LinkAlias] folder

If you link to a item which have lots of character, you can set [LinkAnchor] folder to name the item, and use the [LinkAnchor] folder value as anchor name

Example, [[LinkAnchor method]] will link to the previous item, because we set the [LinkAnchor] folder value of the previous to "LinkAnchor method"

The alias link now support link to Notepad or Folder in Notepad, you need set the ExtFlags bit 1, you can do this by right click menu 'EccoExt Flags / Link To Folder'

Example, [[Feature]] will link to feature notepad, and [[Options]] will link to options notepad



Add scrollbar for text column value editor, now you can use mouse wheel to scroll the long column value text

Add option eccoext.ini [[CursorKeyKeepFocus]] (default false) to always keep focus when you edit text column value and press LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN

Folder tooltip add "possible max item count value" for folder

Add folder right click menu command to disable alarm for the current folder(Need rebuild the alarm for the file to remove the current alarms)

Add folder right click menu command "Copy Folder Item Count" to collect folder item count information to the clipboard

Command "Paste With Folder Value" now can paste folder outline to the notepad with folder count infomation, before using the command, you shoud select the "Ecco Folders" folder and select "Edit/Copy". "Paste With Folder Value" will paste the folder outline with the [FolderCount] value.



The alias link text format's underline now doesn't include the prefix "[[" and postfix "]]"

Add eccoext.ini option [[FirstColumnClickFocusOnly]] to only change focus when click on the column value first, second click will change the column value, so you can always click the column value without worry about to pop the edit box

Add normal rule function

ITC return true if the item text change

OITT return true the old item text before change, valid only ITC is true

AFC return true if there is any folder change

FC(folder_name) return true if the specified folder change

GOFV(folder_name) return the old folder value before change, valid only FC(folder_name) is true

Add ActiveScript/Lua function




is_folder_change(folder_id or folder_name, itemid)

get_old_folder_value(folder_id or folder_name, itemid)


[[MaxItemTextForLinkAlias]] default change to 80



Link to Phonebook Item will goto the Phonebook notepad if it doesn't find it in the current notepad



Add two new method to use alias link

First, you can use the item text as link alias if the item text less than MaxItemTextForLinkAlias(default 20), and the folder [LinkAlias] is checked. So you needn't create new item for "link alias = link value". You can use this method to link to PhoneBook item.

Like [[V4.6.2.7]]

Second, you can use [LinkTo] folder to holder a linked item's UniqueID.(Limitation, all the alias link in the one item link to same item, but you can use any text as link anchor). EE will first check the [LinkAlias] folder, if no match, it will check the [LinkTo] folder.

You can create [LinkTo] value with three method

Manually paste UniqueID into the [LinkTo] folder

Using "Depends & ID# / Assign/Copy ID# ===> Clipboard", then "Link & Clone / Paste As LinkTo Item" command

Using "Add LinkTo ID# <=== Cursor" command

Right click on the line number area of non-current item in the notepad, you will see this command

Like [[To V4.6.2.7]] and [[Link To V4.6.2.7]] and [[anything]] all goto V4.6.2.7, but this [[V4.6.2.6]] will goto V4.6.2.6

Add URL format like ""

Add eccoext.ini option EnableStartupScript(default off) to enable/disable startup script feature.



Now support alias link

To use alias link, you need first create link alias item, follow the steps

Create item with format "link alias = link value" or "link alias | link value" and check the folder LinkAlias

Then using double bracket to include the link alias like [[google]] or [[V4.6.2.6]]

Add three eccoext.ini option InnerLinkColor, OuterLinkColor, AliasLinkColor to change the default blue color of the link


Change eccoext.ini option CtrlToTooltip default to 0



Big changes: The Link/Scrap/Search Result notepad now works with various filter/persistent sort/hoist/context free feature

The eccoext.ini option will take effect immediately after you change them.

Add file startup script function

The file startup script is a script which will execute when the file is opened.

To use startup script, you can simply set a file variable with name '@@StartupScript', the value is the script(same format as the launch command)

Example 1

Create a new ecco file

Open Expr Evaluator dialog

Select JScript

Input the following script and click 'Eval' button

set_file_var("@@StartupScript", "JScript:alert('hello')")

Save the file, then re-open the file

Example 2

Create a new ecco file

Open Expr Evaluator dialog

Select JScript

Input the following script and click 'Eval' button

set_file_var("@@StartupScript", "JScript:startup()")

Open Embedded Script dialog

Select JScript

Input the following script and click 'Save' button

function startup() {

if (get_file_var('first_run') == '') {

alert('this is first run');

set_file_var('first_run', '1');



Save the file, then re-open the file

Undo item text change now trigger rule.


Bug fix

Fix bug



Add eccoext.ini option NoIconForEmptyItem to remove the label and icon for the empty item.

Bug fix

Fix bug


Bug fix

Fix bug "Copy to HTML" generate wrong indentation for some item.


Bug fix

Fix bug "Copy HTML Text" doesn't copy anything.



Enhance the function Copy to HTML

Add two command "Copy HTML To File" and "Copy RTF To File" in the "Extend Copy" menu

Add eccoext.ini option LockEccoFile, the ecco will lock the .eco file by default, which will prevent the sync software like SkyDrive, Dropbox unable to upload the file, set the option LockEccoFile to 0 will disable the .eco file lock



Add Lua/ActiveScript function set_item_parent(item_id, parent_item_id)


Bug fix

Fix bug


Bug fix

Fix bug


Bug fix

Fix bug


Bug fix

Fix bug "Cancel quick filter will generate application error"



Some improvement for item clone

Some bug fix



Add 'Copy bug fix' removed from v4.5.9.6

Bug fix

Fix bug 'Mark Item Done' add time for Done even if the 'AddTimeForDone=0'



Item filter now can handle "Native filter behaviour" when use "AND" search

Add quick eccoext option to "Disable Auto Save" for per file

Fix bug "function create_item doesn't work correctly" from version v4.6.1.0


Change LUA launch tool syntax to from "LUAScript:funcname arg1 arg2" to "LUAScript: command"

Remove time for [Done] folder, you can enable it with option AddTimeForDone=1



Add notepad option menu to change the background color for every notepad

Now move folder in the folder window can scroll in the non-edit mode

Add function to add custom holiday for every year (I do think the Tickler is more powerful, but anyway it is added)

You must edit the eccoext.ini yourself

The key is 'Holiday 1', 'Holiday 2', etc. You can define at most 60 custom holidays

Holiday 1=Children's day | 6 | 1

Holiday 2=My Martin Luther KingDay | 1 | 1 | 3

There are two formats for the holiday definition

The first format is "Description | month | day", mont from 1 (Jan.) to 12 (Dec.), day from 1 to 31

The second format is "Description | month | weekday | nth week in the month" weekday from 1 (Mon.) to 7 (Sun.)

For example, "My Martin Luther KingDay | 1 | 1 | 3" means "The third Monday of January"



Now Undo can undo all change done with the rules (Big change, may affect lots of functions)

Fix ecco bug "Custom Holidays set not persistent" in default

[Color] folder now color the column too, set ColorForColumn=0 to disable it

Remove the default shortcut 'CTRL-HOME' for "Restore Font Size", you can set it yourself

[FontStyle] enhance

The BOLD attribute will apply to the column always

The ITALIC and UNDERLINE attribute will apply to the column if the 0x80 is set, for example

FontStyle=6 will make the item ITALIC & UNDERLINE, but not the column

FontStyle=0x86 will make the item and column ITALIC & UNDERLINE

Fix some issue with Font Zoom

Fix bug "Paste with column" doesn't work if there are less than two lines.



Font zoom now works with the item whose font size is not equal to the outline font size

Add FontStyle folder to control the font style of the item (Just like the Color folder)

It is NUMBER type folder, and can be located in folder Ecco Folders/EccoExt/FontStyle

1 means BOLD

2 means ITALIC


3 means BOLD & ITALIC




Add command "Restore Font Size", default shortcut C-HOME

Add toolbar button for "Copy/Paste as clone item"

Bug fix

Fix bug "Paste with column" doesn't work correctly from version v4.5.9.6


Bug fix

Fix bug "Column filter doesn't work in tickler"



Relative date match expression like '2011/11/20 9:00 AM +3d3h30m" now supported


In the relative date match expression

'm' now means minutes, not month

'M' now means month, not minutes

Bug fix

Fix bug "EE don't read config from registry when in non-usb mode"

Fix bug "Form value can not be selected"



Add new relative item date match expression

+(-)xh plus or minus 'x' hours

+(-)xM plus or minus 'x' minutes

Bug fix

Fix bug


Bug fix

Fix bug



Filter is rewritten from scratch

Now filter has three behaviours, controlled by notepad option

Native filter behaviour

This is default ecco filter behaviour, it uses item inherit model, that's means if the any of the item's ancestor pass the positive filter condition, all the sub-item passes the filter condition too, or if any of the item's ancestor doesn't pass the negative filter condition, all the sub-item will be filtered

Non-native filter behaviour with sub item filtered

Filter is not 'inherited' and all the sub item doesn't pass the filter will be filtered

Non-native filter behaviour with sub item reserved

Filter is not 'inherited' and all the sub item will be reserved if the parent pass the filter

Bug fix

Fix bug "Change color in the appointment section" doesn't refresh item text


Bug fix

Fix bug

Fix bug

Fix bug



Mark Item Done now add the time value, not just the date

Now you can use "Show Item Level" and "Copy" command in the folder window even if not in edit mode

Fix issue



If an item is a member of any sub-folders which are not currently visible, a red checkmark will be show on the visible parent

Click the folder of the folder window will not invert the "item in folder" checkmark now

The select command now only select the item you can see, that's mean the item is collapsed will not be selected, this is just the behaviour of your manual select

Bug fix

Fix bug "select same/bigger/smaller level" command will generate application error



Now the folder and the outline view is only updated when it is needed, the screen flash will be less possible (This is my topmost feature in my wish list)

The native sort now works fine with clone

The file will be automatically checked when file is modified

Check interval can be modified with option "CheckFileInterval", set to 0 to disable the feature, default is 30, means every 30 seconds, the file will be checked if the file has been changed

Add option "CtrlToTooltip", set to 0 to disable press 'CTRL' to activate tooltip, default is 1

The auto-save will execute even when EccoPro is not active (The auto-save will not execute if EccoPro is not active even if the file is changed in native ecco)


Bug fix

Fix bug "Folder Type is not Shown" in v4.5.9.8

Fix bug "get_folder_name" doesn't return correct name if has two folder with same name



Paste with folder value now can handle same folder name situation

Now you can customize the date format of Insert Date (CTRL-Q)

Set the format with the key 'DateTimeFormat' in the eccoext.ini

For example DateTimeFormat=yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm

Format specification

yyyy Year with century, as decimal number

yy Year without century, as decimal number (00 ¨C 99)

MMM Abbreviated month name

MM Month as decimal number pad with zero (01 ¨C 12)

M Month as decimal number no zero prefix (0 ¨C 12)

dd Day of month as decimal number pad with zero (01 ¨C 31)

d Day of month as decimal number no zero prefix (0 ¨C 31)

HH Hour in 24-hour format pad with zero (00 ¨C 23)

H Hour in 24-hour format no zero prefix (0 ¨C 23)

hh Hour in 12-hour format pad with zero (01 ¨C 12)

h Hour in 12-hour format no zero prefix (0 ¨C 12)

mm Minute as decimal number pad with zero (00 ¨C 59)

m Minute as decimal number no zero prefix (0 ¨C 59)

ss Second as decimal number pad with zero (00 ¨C 59)

s Second as decimal number no zero prefix (0 ¨C 59)

t Current locale¡¯s A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock

Add folder command menu "Display As Red"

You can temporary display a kind type of folder as red



Add a confirm dialog to temporary disable auto assign rule when paste lots of items with folder value

Some minor issue

Bug about last action button

Now start using last window state



Display folder item count in folder window now more accurate

If the item is cloned, the status bar will show all it's parent

You can use 'CTRL' to activate tooltip now

Copy between folder(different file or same file) will copy rules, popup values, tickler attributes, number format

Now you can easily copy folder structure between files

Add paste with all folder value(different file or same file)

If the folder doesn't exist, will be created just as folder copied, rules, popup values, tickler attributes, number format will be copied

Item format will be retained

All the folder value info, include tickler, recurring, color, alarm info is copied

Now you can easily transfer items between files



Column filter for number folder now can input negative and decimal number

Some minor bug fix



Add notepad option "Outline Style For New Notepad", if the option is checked, new created notepad outline style will be set the same to the notepad's outline style

Column filter using single select now, you can press 'CTRL' or 'SHIFT' when click or using right click to add multiple selection

Bug fix

Fix bug about calendar print incorrect position


Bug fix

Open file with long path (exceed 57 character) will generate application error.


Bug fix

Fix bug about random corruption with the previous versions.



The Copy/Paste as clone command now can deal with multiple selected item

The Copy/Paste as clone command now added to customized shortcut command list

Add Lua/ActiveScript function

add_clone_child(int parent_item_id, int item_id_to_be_cloned)

is_item_cloned(int item_id)

Item Clone feature now compatible with the sync file



The calendar name will be displayed as Dark Red color if there is any filter on the notepad

The notepad name on the tab control (At the bottom of the window) will be displayed as Dark Red color if there is any filter on the notepad

The font dialog now support 512 fonts

Item Clone feature, a kind of multi-parent implementation

You need enable the option "Enable Item Clone" for any file you want to use the feature

You can using the "Link & Clone" menu's "Copy as clone" and "Paste as clone" command to create a clone

The color of the clone item and source item can be customized with the EccoExt Options/Misc/Clone Item Color



The notepad name will be displayed as Dark Red color if there is any filter on the notepad

The tray icon will be recreated when it is disappeared for some reason like explorer crash

Item Link will jump to the item in the current notepad first if the notepad id is zero

Remove the option "Filter Subitem For Native Filter", use the option "Filter Sub Level Item" of the notepad

Subitem will not be filtered in tickler notepad when the "Filter Sub Level Item" option unchecked

Restore the native ecco filter behaviour to match the filter based on inherited parent values, v4.5.8.8 is not completely restored

URL now support absolute file path like c:\windows\win.ini



Enhance the URL match

Add URL type starts with 'file://', so you can link to local file


Restore the native ecco filter behaviour to match it based on inherited parent values



The link (internal or URL) will display as blue and underline is more robust

Add context menu "Search with" search engine

You can define your own search engine in the eccoext.ini, at most 20 search engine can be defined

Search format in eccoext.ini

Search Engine 1=name|url

For example

Search Engine 1=&Google|

The "%s" will be replaced with search string

The search engine can be assigned with shortcut

The quick search sub menu is move to Edit menu

Add toolbar button for Goto File Bookmark and Goto Global Bookmark command



Add command "Font Size To Outline Style" in format menu

Because font size zoom only works for the item whose font size equals the outline font size, this command changes the selected item's font size to it's outline font size, but keep the style and color etc, then you can use the font size zoom command.

Added 2 new notepad context menu commands (Added from v4.5.8.1 in fact) "Extend Copy"> Copies items (including subitems) from notepad to new Scrap notepad, and optionally jumps to Scrap notepad. Can add items from different notepads cumulatively.

Send To Scrap Notepad

Send To Scrap Notepad And Jump

Add double click to launch the URL link in item text

Current support url





The link (Internal or URL) will be now automatically blue and underline, you need not to set the format for the link manually

So the command "Paste as Link Info" is removed



The internal links (Link without filename) now shows in the item tooltip

Add a quick extension option "Keep Column In Search Results"



Add command "Clear Item ID# For Link" in context menu Depends & Links



Now bookmark menu item will be grayed (goto bookmark) or unchecked (set bookmark) if the bookmark is not available

File bookmark and Global bookmark now can be assigned a name

The name is limited to 14 characters

Bug fix

Fix bug search date folder value will give false result



Change Link Notepad for Extend Copy to Scrap Notepad

Add clear notepad command for Link/Scrap/Search Result notepad

Add command Goto Link

Default shortcut CTRL-]

You can move the cursor to the link, then press shortcut

Filter sub item now work for tickler:

Name of folder ItemID will automatically turn into UniqueID

Bug fix

Fix bug when cursor in the folder and paste item doesn't trigger the rule



Add two commands

Show item level all, default shortcut CTRL-0

Show selected item level all, default shortcut CTRL-SHIFT-0

Add two commands in Extend Copy

Add selected item to Scrap notepad

Add the current selected item to the scrap notepad, if the notepad doesn't exist, it will be created, the item will not be assigned to scrap folder

You can use this notepad as temporary container

Or you can use this notepad to deal with a problem like

Add selected item to scrap notepad and jump

Like the previous command, but will jump to the Scrap notepad immediately

Search now supports time value

The date time values is formated as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm-hh:mm

You must add prefix 0, if there is single number, for example 02-08 rather than 2-8

If you need to search time 10/9/2011 9:15p, you can specify search string 2011-10-09 21:15 in find box

You can using regular expression to search the date time



Powerful item select function

Check the Item/Select menu

Select all item

Select all sibling

Select all children

Select item not filtered

For example, take a global search, than select all item match the search condition

Select item with same level

Select item with bigger level

Select item with smaller level

Invert selection

Press CTRL when click the menu item will keep the old selection and add a new selection

Add ActiveScript/Lua function

get_notepad_id_from_name(notepad name)

get_notepad_name_from_id(notepad id)



Item link in item text now supports cross-file link

Two commands are added

Copy as link info with file

Copy as link info with path

The syntax is @Link: you text [ notepad id | item index | file name ]

file name can be relative to the current file or absolute file name

Add ActiveScript/Lua function

goto_file_link(file_name, notepad_id, item_index)

This function goes to a link in another Ecco file (whether the file is open or closed on disk)

file_name can be an absolute path or a relative path to the current file

If the goto file is in the same folder as the calling file, only the file name is necessary: e.g. goto_file_link('', 0, 10)

If the goto file is in a different folder from the calling file, the full path and file name is necessary: e.g. goto_file_link('d:\\aa\\bb\\', 0, 10). Be sure to use the double backslashes in the path.

If the link location does not exist in the goto file:

If the goto file is open, returns FALSE and does nothing.

If the goto file is closed the file will be opened and a message will be displayed indicating that the link does not exist and asking if you wish to keep the file open or close it.



Add extend copy to phonebook context menu

Move "sort sub item" to tool menu

Add ActiveScript/Lua function

goto_link(notepad_id, item_index)

You can use this function to implement features like [Net Location]


Create text folder named [Link Location]

Set the value of this folder like 2|10, 2 is notepad id, 10 is item index

Write a function, get the item folder value of folder [Link Location], parse the value to notepad id and item index, then call goto_link

Add a item in launch tool to call the function, and set the tool based on folder [Link Location]. To add launch tool with ActiveScript or Lua, check the @LinkTo:ActiveScript Launch[5|1] and the @LinkTo:Lua Launch[5|4]



Now support simple item link in item text


click hear link to v4.5.6.5 @LinkTo:v4.5.6.5[5|2] and click hear to v4.5.4.9 @LinkTo:v4.5.4.9[5|3]

You can change the text between the @ LinkTo: and before the [5|2] or [5|3]

In the [5|2] the 5 is the notepad id, if the notepad is is 0 or invalid notepad, eccoext will find a right notepad for you, the 2 is the item index, that's mean the value of the folder [ItemID], command [Copy As Link Info] will create ItemID automatically for you

You can using menu [Extend Copy / Copy As Link Info] and [Extend Paste / Paste As Link Info] to create link

These commands are also available with shortcut (no default)



Now bookmark(Global/File) support jump to composite view



Add global bookmark

WIN-CTRL-A ~ WIN-CTRL-Z set global bookmark 1 to 26

WIN-A ~ WIN-Z goto global bookmark 1 to 26

Because the WIN key is always treated as a global hotkey, the shortcut is not always available, please modify yourself

Go Back/Forward now can load the file automatically if the file is not already loaded



Now font size zoom work in folder window

Add function go back/forward

Using menu/view back forward command

Default shortcut alt + browse back, alt + browse forward, can be modified with eccoext options

Can use back/forward toolbar button


Bug fix

Fix bug related to sync copy


Add simple bookmark support

WIN-CTRL-1 ~ WIN-CTRL-9 set bookmark 1 to 9

WIN-1 ~ WIN-9 goto bookmark 1 to 9

The shortcut can be modified with eccoext options



Trigger the rule only when the folder value really change.

Add two command, so you can zoom in/out the notepad

Increase view font size, default shortcut CTRL-+

Decrease view font size, default shortcut CTRL--

Can be used with mouse wheel combined with CTRL

Bug fix

Fix bug about new item with timestamp show in appointment section.


Bug fix

Fix bug about corruption when date change started from version v4.5.6.0,

Thanks very much to the rbrandes1



A few bug fixes



Add item color support for calendar week/month view

Fix phonebook search item list error bug, like rbrandes1's file(v4.5.6.8 doesn't fix the issure)



Fix phonebook search item list error bug, like rbrandes1's file



Scramble now trashes the non-system folder names

Bug fix

Fix bug about freeze Export Dialog,

Fix bug about random corruption start from version v4.5.6.0,

Thanks very much to rbrandes1



Scramble now trash the popup values and number folder values


LEFT and RIGHT key function now restore to ecco native behaviour

Bug fix

Print will generate "Application error" when column filter enabled

Fix unsync scroll bug when column value is edited


Bug fix

Set the initial focus to item text when using Add Item By Form

Add item by PhoneBook form doesn't trigger the native ecco rule



Add eccoext.ini option "ProtectParentWhenLocked", set to 0 will make the parent of the locked item editable

Bug fix

Fix bug "Application error" in calendar when filter enabled



LEFT and RIGHT key now can switch focus between ITEM text and COLUMN

When the caret at the end of the item text, press RIGHT will switch focus to the column

When the caret at the first column, press LEFT will switch focus to the item text

Bug fix

Fix bug "Application error" when change the folder value with option "Native Filter Behaviour" checked and the notepad option "Filter Sub Level Item" unchecked



Now you can change the hotkey using the shortcut customize dialog

Bug fix

The file is saved before eccoext terminates the native ecco


Bug fix

Fix bug the sync file displays column as '0x0'



Add menu item to set/unset home folder

Add general option to load last active files when start

Add new number folder [GanntBarColor], you can use it to set Gannt bar color per-item

Add ActiveScript/Lua function




Scramble file will disconnect from the master file before execute

In folder window, browse mode, key 'LEFT' will collapse the parent folder if current folder has no sub-folder or sub-folder is collapsed

Number folder now can input hex number like 0x100

Expand/collapse status of the item is remembered after apply/ignore filter

Hoist can be set differently for every folder in the notepad

Add icon for hoisted folder and item

Hoist/Context free function is more reliable when combine with the filter

Form dialog now can be resized, and the size of the dialog is remembered

Most of the dialog position is remembered

Add Select menu item

Add "Sync Value With Sub Folders" for popup folder, it can sync a popup folder and it's sub folder automatically


Create popup folder [Priority], with popup value 'High', 'Middle', 'Low'

Create checkmark type sub folder [High], [Middle] and [Low] for folder [Priority]

Check the property 'Sync Value With Sub Folders' of the folder [Priority]

Now when you set the [Priority] value to 'High', the folder [High'] will be checked, and vice vesa

Add new rule flag 'B', the rule is for all of it's sub folders, so you can write one rule for all the sub folders


Rule for folder [Projects]: ++:-!IB::PTT==FN

Create checkmark type sub folder [Tasks], [Resource] for folder [Projects]

Now all item with parent is 'Tasks' will be put in folder [Tasks], and all item with parent is 'Resource' will be put in folder [Resource]

Add new rule flag to set rule execute only when the specified folder change, now you can set the folder rule even the rules depend each other, like rule a=b+1 and rule b=a-1


rule: ++:-!F[Folder1,Folder2]:[Folder1]+[Folder2]:

the rule execute only when Folder1 or Folder2 value change


rule for Folder1: ++:-!F[Folder2]:[Folder2]+1:

rule for Folder2: ++:-!F[Folder1]:[Folder1]-1:

Bug fix

Fix bug related to multi-folder column sort

Ecco bug fix

Drag and dropping will not freeze EccoPro



Enhance the hoist/unhoist command

You can hoist/unhoist/rehoist any selected item, include SLI

Hoist can co-exist with any filter

Add toolbar icon for special sub menu

Add open file list sub menu on File menu

Add toolbar icon for open file list sub menu

Now you can use toolbar to switch the open file



Add warning box when delete item only appear in current notepad.

Set WarningOnDelete=0 in eccoext.ini to disable it


Bug fix

Fix bug "press INSERT on column doesn't popup the column value dialog"



Filter behaviour

The native ecco filter(Tool/Filter view/...) command now always behave like the native ecco filter

You can filter subitem for native filter if you enable the option "Filter Subitem For Native Filter", of cause you need to enable the option "Filter Sub Level Item" for the notepad

The eccoext filter (AndOr Filter/Item filter/Column Filter) behave normally untill you enable the option "Native Filter Behaviour"

Add search box for folder

Default is disabled, enable it with option "Enable Folder Search Box"



Add "Sort Sub Items" menu for right click menu

Show filter icon on column caption

Click the right corner of the column caption will popup the column filter dialog

Multi-folder column now support real value sort, just like as you expected



Add more filter option for Number type column filter

Bug fix

Fix bug when set rule, the second rule will overwrite the first rule. see



Add Embedded Script dialog, you can store the script to the file, so you need not an external script file like luacmd.lua when you distribute the file or template

Add Lua/ActiveScript function

set_file_var(name, value)

value must be string





clear all file variable

Use the above function you can store or load some information in you file, the value is persistent. You can only set at most 20 file variable, each variable can store at most 64K stuff. You can save some simple information like 'Author', 'CreatedTime', or you can store some secrets in the variable which you use in the scripts.



Add Lua/ActiveScript function

set_var_value(name, value)

set a global variable value


get the value of the global variable


is there is a global variable with the name specified

set_timer(name, time_out, action)

create a timer with the name, when the time_out elapse, the action string will be evaluated

for example

set_timer("Timer1", 2000, "msgbox('time out!'); kill_timer('Timer1');")

a message box will popup after 2 seconds

the timer will be executed every time_out, so if you must remove the timer use kill_timer when you needn't the timer


destroy a timer with the name

execute_script(script_name, script)

execute a script, script_name can be Lua VBScript JScript Ruby Perl Python

you can use this function to execute script with other type, for exampe, you can execute javascript in you lua script, and you can use set_var_value, get_var_value function to pass variable



Add file explorer "Send To" menu item

Change column heading without change the folder name option for any column

Add contain '...' column filter for TEXT type column

Double click the 'Contains ...' list item to change the value


Bug fix

Fix bug "Crash with chrome when send to menu enableded sometimes"



Add option to Show Notepad List On Top

Bug fix

Fix bug "Persistent sort not work correctly in calendar view when calendar date changes"



Add global hotkey "ShowEcco", default is WIN-CONTROL-E

Add Edit shortcut command

Select current item

Select all item

Select all sibling item

Bug fix

Fix bug "Shooter item doesn't trigger the traditional rule"


Bug fix

Fix bug "create_sub_item doesn't work correctly since v4.2.1.1"


Bug fix

Fix bug "Unable to drag file to ecco"



Add "daily backup" feature

Backup file when you first modify the file every day (When you modify the file, Yesterday's backup file will not be overwritten)

EccoExt Options ----> Misc tab -----> Daily backup copies

The backup file in the same directory with the name like "name.daily.bk1"

Add normal function

GMAD([folder name]) get multi-day appointment days, return 0 if the item is not multi-day appointment

Add option to enable/disable memory guard

Quick extension option ---> Enable Memory Guard

Bug fix

Fix bug "Persistent sort slowness when there is many folder in one notepad"


Bug fix

Fix bug "Toggle context free mode doesn't work properly with item filter sometime"


Bug fix

Fix bug "Sometime application error when combine context free with item filter"



Context free mode now can work well with various filter(Column/Item/AndOr/Native)

New created item will not disappear once the item filter is active

Bug fix

Fix bug "Traditional rule change not sync"



Add per notepad option "Filter Sub Level Item"

Move some option as per notepad option


Bug fix

Fix bug "Column filter with sub folder column does not work"



Change the "Search:" with the notepad name before the search box, you can still use the ALT-S to set the focus to the search box

Bug fix

Fix bug "Item filter doesn't work in calendar sometimes"

Fix bug "Numpad char / * + - cannot input in outline"

Fix bug "Send to Active view will generate Ghost Item text sometimes"



Add option to use '&' as "AND" search separator

You can use double quote for exact phrase search


Remove the "And" button, this option is always enabled

Bug fix

Fix bug "Item filter not working correctly with AND search enabled"



Add option to toggle "AND" search



Use space to seperate the "AND" search

if you need search hello and world, just type "hello world"

if you need search exact "hello world", just type "(hello world)"


Find dialog now support "AND" search

All the words of the "AND" search will be highlighted



Add "AND" search in search box

find item with hello and world, using "hello AND world", the "AND" must uppercase

if you use "AND" search, EE will only highlite the first word

Bug fix

Date folder property "Tickler show in summary view" doesn't work with multi-day appointment


Bug fix

Fix bug "Cannot remove folder from notepad with drag-drop"



Calendar detail view now show "Search box"

Add "Show tickler in detail view" properties for date folder

Date folder properties "Calendar item show in" now supports 4 options

"Both": default option, the item will show in Tickler section in advance warning days or carry forward days, show in Appointment section in the appointment day

"Appointment", the item with time value will only show in Appointment section, in the advance warning days or carry forward days, it will not show in tickler

"Tickler", the item always show in Tickler section

"None", the item will not show in tickler and appointment section

Add option FolderPaneWidth=248 to set the width of the folder edit area(The vertical line of the folder)



"Search box" now can be toggled per notepad

Add "Max Height" menu for subfolder column


You must always use ALT-CLICK to activate the column filter on column caption



"Search box" now can contain at most 127 characters

Add tooltip for column



Number display area now can adjust width according to the font size, even if you set a large font size, the number can be displayed correctly

"Search As Type" will pause when you type a character, there is no slow down even in a notepad with lots of items

Now you can click the column caption to set column filter

Only when the caret already on that column

You can set the AltClickToFilter to 1, if you would rather to use ALT-CLICK to set the filter

Ecco bug fix

Fix ecco bug related to DDE function "DeleteView"



Add option "Enable Search As Type"

Add normal function

GCCD() get current calendar date

Add rule flag 'R'

The rule will be evaluated when the current calendar date changes

Add highlight for current select day for calendar week busy bar

You can change the highlight color in EccoExt Options/Misc Tab



The search box now supports search as you type, you can control a search delay with the option IncSearchDelay=150

Double click on folder with CTRL pressed will create or switch normal notepad, rather than scratch notepad

Add lua/ActiveScript function



Bug fix

Drag folder as sub item now disallowed


Bug fix

Fix bug "Cannot paste text from other application sometimes" introduced in v4.5.2.0



"Fix Corrupt File" command can fix more corruptions.



Add "Fix Corrupt File" command in Right Click Menu/Database, this command should be able to fix most of your file corruption problem

Run the ecco file check

If the file is corrupted and Ecco tells you the corruption is

"Checking item links." or

"Checking item and folder references." or

"Checking top level item lists." or

"Checking view outline links."

Then you can use the command to fix the corruption

Ecco Bug fix

Fix bug "Ecco Copy/Paste bug" maybe, i don't know because I cannot test it.



Add customizable shortcut for calendar and phonebook command

Add toolbar bitmap for named extend and/or filter

Bug fix

Change PhoneBook name and folder doesn't trigger the rule

Add PhoneBook Item doesn't sync

Persistent sort doesn't work in tickler



Add Lua/ActiveScript function



These two function can be used in alarm action, you can using Lua/ActiveScript in your alarm action, the same syntax with the launch command, you can put your script on "Launch Document/.Bat file" box, so you can execute the script at any time as specified.

When the focus on phone book form or when you editing column value, ecco will take up one whole cpu recycle, even if you switch the application, this version fixed this problem

Add horizontal scrollbar to the "Day Details" dialog when the item text is too long to display



Fix the problem when using native combine with the new filter will make the subitem filtered sometimes.


Bug fix

In rare case, the calendar item will disappear



Change the shortcut to Alt-S to set focus to the search box, just like the phone book search



Alt-D will set focus to the search box

Bug fix

Search box will incorrectly show in week/month/year view sometimes



EE will popup warning box when saving the file If the file is corrupt.

You can disable it using Quick Extension Option Menu

Search Box and hilight now can handle regexp starts with "^" correctly

Search Box doesn't show in calendar week/month/yearly view



Add Search Box for calendar



Add option to set Context parent item color in eccoext option/misc tab

Add option to set Hilight color in eccoext option/misc tab

Color menu now add "Custom..." menu item

Bug fix

Fix bug "Extend filter and column filter doesn't work when native filter disabled"

Fix bug "Low memory condition" after edit long folder rule many many times

Ecco Bug fix

Fix bug "Modify filter leak misc pointer"



Regexp search use smart case, if there is A-Z char in search string, will use case sensitive compare, or else use ignore case

Bug fix

Fix bug "empty line" in subitem doesn't filtered



Uncheck hilite button will disable hilite

Bug fix

Fix bug enter "^" in search box will generate dead recycle



Add option "Enable Search Box" in the eccoext option menu, you can toggle the option at any time



Add search box for normal notepad, it can be used as item text filter if you check the "Filter" button

You can set "EnableSearchBox" to 0 to disable it



And/Or filter

And/Or filter is effective even if you ignore the native ecco filter, so you can combine Or filter with Column filter

Column filter

Add following filter condition for date type folder


After Today

Before Today

Next 7 Days

Prev 7 Days

Next 14 Days

Prev 14 Days

Next 30 Days

Prev 30 Days

This Week

Next Week

Prev Week

Next 2 Weeks

Prev 2 Weeks

This Month

Next Month

Prev Month

Next 2 Months

Prev 2 Months

This Year

Next Year

Prev Year

Normal function, for your date expression filter, so you can add filter condition like "This Week", "This Month", "Next Month"


The start day of this week, week day start from Sunday


WS, WS(), WS(0) : The start day of this week

WS(1) : The start day of next week

WS(-1) : The start day of prev week

WS(2) : The start day of next next week


The end day of this week, week day end at Saturday


The start day of this month


The end day of this month


The start day of this year


The end day of this year



Add date expression filter, which will be executed automatically when the current date changes

like the normal expression filter, but with prefix '++:D:'



Column filter

Support multi-select for popup and sub-folder column

Use the same format style with the column

I think most people will not need the Named filter any more, because the column filter is more simple and more flexible



Add column filter

click the column cell of the first folder in the notepad (First line of the notepad)



Persistent sort/Recursive sort

Perfomance improved

eccoext.ini option "CtrlClickToSort" default set true

multi column sort order now use the column order

support sort for sub folder column


Add expression filter, you can use rule expressions in your filter, so you can build more powerfull filters, and build complex filters more easily

In the rule build dialog, select a TEXT type column (you can choose any TEXT type folder, which folder is not important, it is just a expression holder)

Select compare operator "Equals"

Input condition expression in the value field with prefix "++::", for example, "++::[Done] && ITT ~= 'Project1'"


If you use function rely on other item info like PTT, Anyc, Anyp with your expression, the filter will not be checked automatically when the other item info changes

Add And/Or filter

In addition the normal ecco filter, now you can use composite filter to the notepad

Tool/Extend And Filter | Extend Or Filter, you can put these two menus on the toolbar

The status bar will display filter information

The filters execute sequentially, if you set [Filter1] OR [Filter2] AND [Filter3], which means ([Filter1] OR [Filter2]) AND [Filter3]

Lua/ActiveScript function


ISIT() for normal rule

set_item_show_in_tickler(folder_name_or_id, itemid, 1 or 0)

get_prev_recurring_date(itemid [,folder_name_or_id])

GPRD([folder_name]) for normal rule



Add "word wrap" for column value

Bug fix

Fix bug related to GNRD



Add lua/ActiveScript function

get_advance_warning_days(foldername or folderid, itemid)

set_advance_warning_days(foldername or folderid, itemid, days)

Item Link Folder

Item link popup list now sorted



Enhance item link folder and column

Create number folder and set the property "Tread as LInk Item Folder"

Add the folder as column

Open the column property

You can select how to display the cell value


Sub Folder

Linked item text or folder value

You can change the caption of the column(this doesn't change the folder name)

You can select the "Selection Base Folder", it is the base folder of the list when you click the column value

You can select the "Cell Display Folder", select "Item Text" or a folder name, it is the column display value

With the item link folder, technically, you can do natuaral join between two or more items

With the item link folder, you have another choice to using popup list value (using other item's text or other item's folder value) besides popup column and sub folder column

Bug fix

"Paste" in empty item doesn't trigger the rule

Fix bug "Copy with column" doesn't work



Add choice "Appointment | Tickler | None" for time folder value show in calendar

Add number folder property "Display column as item text", so you can create links between items

Create number folder

Set the property "Display column as item text"

Select item using Depends menu to "Assign/Copy ID# ===> Clipboard"

Copy the ItemID value into the number folder

Add the number folder as column

Now the column display the item text, rather than the number

See the


Bug fix


Persistent sort performance greatly improved

Fix bug "Show Item in Calendar's Appointment Section function doesn't work properly when the week/month summary view is switched"


Bug fix

Fix bug "Error notepad name show" in v4.3.0.1

Fix bug "Show Item in Calendar's Appointment Section function doesn't work properly when calendar date changes"



Add ActiveScript/Lua function


Add date folder property option "Show Item in Calendar's Appointment Section"



Add ActiveScript function, for advanced user only, with following function, combine with the launch command, you can extend the ecco function by yourself, builtin.js will give you example how to use them

DEFINE_DLL_API(name, dllname, funcname, ret_type, arg_count, arg_type...)

declare you want to use a function in a dll

arg type and return type, normally you can take everything as INT





DEFINE_DLL_API("SendMessage", "USER32.dll", "SendMessageA", INT_TYPE, 4, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE, INT_TYPE)

you can find more example in builtin.js

HWND get_frame_hwnd()

return the ecco frame hwnd

SendMessage(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)

PostMessage(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)


send WM_COMMAND to ecco frame window, see example in builtin.js

MemCreate(int size)

return memory pointer

MemFree(int mem)

MemZero(int mem, int size)

MemCopy(int mem_dst, int mem_src, int size)

MemSetString(int mem, int offset, str)

MemGetString(int mem, int offset)

return string

MemSetInt(int mem, int offset, int value)

MemGetInt(int mem, int offset)

MemSetShort(int mem, int offset, short value)

MemGetShort(int mem, int offset)

MemSetByte(int mem, int offset, byte value)

MemGetByte(int mem, int offset)

Notice, for ActiveScript, the file with the script ext and with the name "eccoext" or "builtin" will be automatically executed, for example, eccoext.js and builtin.js will be executed if JScript engine loaded


Remove the change to the Date Setting dialog



Add warn before delete item with invisible children item(filtered)

Persistent sort performance improved

Date Setting dialog now can remove the time



Add option to select which action should be take when click on column caption

CtrlClickToSort=0, this is default

click to sort and ctrl click to select column


click to select and ctrl click to sort

Click on the column cell with ctrl or shift or alt pressed only change the focus

Add bitmap for the following command

item color menu

extend copy menu

extend paste menu

persistent sort menu

quick eccoext option menu

persistent sort up

persistent sort down

persistent sort none

quick search down

quick search up

quick search next



eccoext option


Fix bug "Context free" doesn't work properly in v4.2.2.1



Persisten sort flag change to 5and6

Add bitmap for the following command, you can drag them to toolbar

Toggle lock item

Toggle context free

Notepad refresh

Toggle highlight

Copy with column

Paste with column

Copy as rtf

Paste as rtf

Paste as rtf outline

Paste as one item



Add lua/ActiveScript function


Ecco Bug fix

Fix misc pointer leak when manage filter

Eccoext bug fix

Fix bug "press C-V on PhoneBook search field doesn't work correctly"



Add lua/ActiveScript function


add_folder_to_notepad(folder_id_or_name, notepad_id_or_name)

remove_folder_from_notepad(folder_id_or_name, notepad_id_or_name)



Add function


get folder recurring type, default folder name is To-Do's


get item recurring type


get next recurring_date

Fix bug persistent sort with zero item generated application error

Fix bug the "Extend paste" menu always grayed

Scramble file need "input text" confirm for safety



Add lua/ActiveScript function

get_folder_recurring_type(folder_id or folder_name)

0 : none

1 : daily

2 : weekly

3 : monthly date

4 : monthly week

5 : monthly bussiness

6 : yearly

get_item_recurring_type(itemid [, folder_id or folder_name])

if omit the folder id or folder name, the default folder is To-Do's

get_next_recurring_date(itemid [, folder_id or folder_name])

get the next recurring date given the item id and folder

if omit the folder id or folder name, the default folder is To-Do's



Different folder with same name can show different folder count

Add lua/ActiveScript function


set_tickler_color(itemid, color)

color value

0: black

1: dark blue

2: dark green

3: dark margenta

4: dark red

5: dark yellow

6: dark gray

8: blue

9: green

10: margenta

11: red

12: yellow

13: white

14: dark cyan

15: cyan

Fix bug related to Context free


Bug fix

Search empty string with highlight enabled will make the ecco freeze

Drag item to appointment generate "application error"

Toggle context free will generate "application error" sometime



Add lua/ActiveScript function



Paste/Delete/Cut now can exceed 3637 item limit



Scramble file now work on big file correctly



Add one click scramble all items function

Tray menu/Database/Scrable All Items

Add lua/ActiveScript function

get_folder_type(id or name)

checkmark = 1, date = 2, number = 3, text = 4, popup = 5


get the max valid item id


is the given itemid is valid item id


get all tli items array



Add search hightlight

If using normal text search, then the searched text will be highlighted

If using regexp text search, then the first sub-group(you can search full string, then hightlight part of it) or the whole search text will be highlighted

For example, if search "hello world", then "hello world" will be highlighted

if search "hello (world)", then only "world" after "hello " will be highlighted

if search "(hello (world)) then the "hello world" will be highlighted

Using context menu to temporarily enable/disable highlight

You can edit eccoext.ini HighlightColor= to change the default hightlight background color

Add memory id guard, ID overflow will show a error message box, but the file will not be corruptted

Add option "StrictMemGuard" to reserve more ID(about 200) before warning, default is false, you can enable it by editing eccoext.ini

Add folder size guard, folder size overflow(Add too many item in one folder) will show a error message box, but no file corruption


Bug fix

Regexp search sometime generate error when search with folder value


The rule apply dialog displays only when the "Traditional rule" enabled and there are rules which not start with "++:"

The window title now always updates when the current file changes (In previous, sometime the title doesn't change with file switches)


Bug fix

Fix bug "Context free not show all sub items"


Bug fix

Fix bug "Enable Traditional Rule" before version v4.0.1.4 will generate error



Immediately trigger the rule when using form add/change the item


Bug fix

Fix bug "Change folder value using column not correctly triggers the rule"


Bug fix

Fix bug "Error switch to context free when select context parent item"



Persisten sort now applies to all folders in notepad

Add option "Show Persisten Sort Flag" to show flag '^"(Up) or '_'(Down) on column caption


Bug fix

Fix bug related to context free



Now you can sigle click the column to perform persistent sort

Bug fix

Other minor fix



Persistent sort infomation now shows in the folder tooltip of the notepad

Bug fix

Some bug related to context free



Sort recursively enhanced

Now can handle Number/Popup type correctly

The recursively sort result is compatible with the normal sort

Multi-column sort & Persistent sort

You can define at most 10 column sort

Every column can be set sort up or sort down

The multi-column sort is persistent, which means when new item was added to the notepad, it will be sorted automatically

how to use

On the column right click menu select persistent sort sub menu, like followes


Just bug fix related to "Context Free"



Add option menu item "Enable Context Free Notepad" to enable/disable context free item display in notepad

When you enable these function, you can using right click menu -> special -> context free to set the folder as context free display or not

"Context free" function is set for every notepad's folder

Add option menu item "Enable Extend Drag-drop" to toggle function drag drop between notepad as child

Reorganize the right click menu item, the nomal copy/paste is now moved out from submenu

Multiple item drag-drop now can trigger the rule correctly


Eccoext Bug fix

Fix bug "Traditional rule does not work"


Some minor fix


Eccoext Bug fix

Fix bug "Cannot display more than 3 cumulative outline levels"

Fix bug "Drag & drop to week/month/year calendar generated error"

Ecco Bug fix

Refix ecco bug "Cannot drag a notepad item to other notepad as child"

Warning: Because the previous fix may corrupt the file, so please test it before use


Some minor fix



Regular expression search/replace now support column(folder) value

Add new lua/ActiveScript function

set_folder_rule(folder_id_or_name, rule)

can only set first rule


can only get the first rule



Add new lua/ActiveScript function

create_folder(folder_type, folder_name [, parent_folder_id)

return new created folder id

folder_type: 1:checkmark 2:date 3:number 4:text 5:popup


return array of sub folders id


get folder name from folder id


get folder id from folder name

The following function now support folder id or folder name as parameter




The tooltip for folder now display the folder id


Bug fix

Fix bug related to "Regular Expression" find/replace



Replace now support "Regular Expression" replace, can use "$0-$9" as group catch string



Replace dialog support "Regular Expression" search option, but doesn't support Regexp replace (The replace text cannot use the matched result)

Bug fix

Fix bug phone book "contains" search doesn't work



Find dialog support "Regular Expression" search option



Send to Ecco will automatically set the "Net Location" to the URL of the page for browser with IE core

Copy item text using unicode

Paste item can handle unicode correctly

Add "No Color" menu item in color menu

Fix eccoext bug sometime "Enable SendTo Menu" will make the other application crash


Fix the bug "Change folder rule doesn't sync"

Fix the bug "Change the folder using DDE doesn't sync"


Add DDE function to get item text with RTF format

DDE Request "GetItemRTF,itemid" to get item RTF text


DDE Request "CopyItemRTF,itemid" to copy the item RTF text to clipboard


Attention: The RTF text may have different format with the text display in the notepad, because the notepad item has it's own default format style.


Fix the bug "set number type folder wrong value" in v4.0.0.2


When ecco crash, it will still open the last open file

Add "*" after the folder name if the folder have auto-assign rule

Remove the fix "Cannot drag a notepad item to other notepad as child"



Add support for ActivePython

get from



Add support active scripting language VBScript/JScript/Perl/Ruby


VBScript/JScript native support by microsoft

Perl, get from, tested

Ruby, get from, tested

Python, has some problem now, will be fixed next release


Use in launch tool, just like Lua, but with prefix

VBScript: or JScript: or PerlScript: or RubyScript:

Use in rule

Append '@VBScript' or '@JScript' or '@PerlScript' or '@RubyScript' at end of the flag




Global script file

put eccoext.js or eccoext.vbs or or eccoext.rb in ecco directory, eccoext will automatically load these file for proper script type(auto reload after the file change)

Internal function

just like function of LUA, like:





Using in Ruby, please add namespace "Ecco.", like these:

itemid = Ecco.get_current_item()


Ecco Bug fix

Fix ecco bug "Cannot drag a notepad item to other notepad as child"

Bug fix

Quick search error when cusor in notepad folder item

Sometime open eccoext option dialog error


Bug fix

Fix bug sometimes Launch tool disappear


Add two rule flag

flag 'X' means the rule is disabled, don't need comment all line any more if you want to disable the rule

flag 'E' means the rule is triggered only when explicit execute command "Check Folder Rules" or "Check All Folder Rules"



Add lua function trigger_rule(itemid, [flag])

Trigger the rule after change or create item

flag: 'I' = item text change, 'F' = folder change, 'IF' = both item text and folder change

Change folder count display in the notepad

The first number is item count in notepad (exclude item filterd)

The second number is item count of the folder

Add shortcut customizable command

Apply Filter 1 - Apply Filter 20

Text Touch-Up 1 - Text Touch-Up 9

Color Black - Color White


Bug fix

FileList on right bottom corner may disappear sometimes

Copy function restored to original ECCO copy



Add menu item to folder context menu to enable delete the system folder like Color, ItemID, etc

Add option to show folder item count in notepad


Bug fix

"Bad Scheduling Channel" bug fixed



Create new item now trigger the IF rule

now rule '++:!-::[To-Do's]' will be triggered when new tickler item created

Add option "Fix Bad Scheduling Channel", enable it and try (please test if there is any side effect)


Bug fix

CTRL-C always copy the whole item text in V3.6.3.2

Don't show folder item count in notepad

Eval dialog now can hold at most 20K expression


Bug fix

V3.6.3.1 auto assign rule doesn't work

Toolbar command will not crash


Bug fix

Fix bug print has folder count on TLI which has same text as Folder name

Fix c-x bug

Fix c-s-j bug

Fix bug doesn't display full path in standard (non-theme) window mode


Add lua function get_cur_filename

Copy now use UNICODE


Bug fix

Fix bug sometime "SendTo Menu" doesn't work (This fix may conflict with the yahoo messager bug, please test with yahoo messager)

Fix bug sometime change rule cause "Low Memory Condition Detected" (The rule dialog been rewritten, without using ecco rule dialog)


Bug fix

Fix bug in sum... function

Fix bug folder value change using column will trigger the rule twice



Support '\r' '\n' '\t' '\\' char in string

Bug fix

Fix bug crash yahoo messager when enable "SendTo menu"

Fix bug paste items doesn't trigger the rule



Add one more argument for rule function replace and ireplace

replace(str, find_str, rep_str[, orig_str_if_not_find]), last arg default false

Bug fix

Fix bug when two rules in one folder has same first 23 char will generate error

Fix bug cannot change folder format in notepad

Fix bug cannot select text in folder window

Fix bug error on close file when folder window in edit mode

Fix bug in time compare

Fix bug max function doesn't behaviour correctly

Fix bug c-m trigger item change, not as folder change



Lua rule now can use function defined in luacmd.lua file

Lua rule now can define function


Rule function replace and ireplace will return ""(empty string) if there is no match (previous version return the original string)

Add lua function display(...), same with set_result, only different name

For compatible, grammar like [@Done] is still supported, which mean alld(fv("Done")), but you should use anyd/alld/countd expressions



Add lua script for expression evaluator

Add lua function set_result(...), only valid in eval dialog, the result will be displayed in the result edit box

Bug fix

Generate error when doesn't specify any parameter in launch command for "LUAScript"



drag the timebar in appointment view will trigger the rule

Bug fix

Input char on folder name line in Notepad generate error



DDE create item, change item text and change folder value will trigger the rule



Add rule function

getmin[c|p|d]v(exp, condition) find the [child|parent|depends] item with minimize [conditon], then return the evaluated exp

getmax[c|p|d]v(exp, condition)

added anyp minp maxp allp countp function



add two rule flag

'N' mean the rule is normal rule (not 'C'/'P'/'D' rule)

'M' mean the rule flag is manual set, don't let the eccoext automatically generate the flag, when you not specify 'M' flag, 'P'/'C'/'I'/'F'/'D'/'S' flag has no effect


'-' flag has different meaning

when '-' is not used with '!' and '+', means if the condition is true, then the folder value will be clear

when '-' is used with '!' and '+', means if the condition is false, then the folder value will be clear



specify correct rule flag is not an easy thing, now you can omit most of them

rule flag 'P'/'C'/'I'/'F'/'D'/'S' needn't to be set, eccoext will automatically generate the correct flag according to the expression. except when you are using function EVAL, if you use EVAL function, you should specify right flag.

rule flag '!'/'-'/'+'/'L'/'T'/'Z' should be set manually



expression [@foldername] and GDFV(foldername) is depreciated

If you want to set the depend rule, using anyd, alld, countd etc. expression, so you can control any of the depend item or all of the depend item satisfy the condition


rule "set priority to high when all depends item done"


rule "set priority to normal when any one of depends item done"



Parent/Child change rule now can be triggered nestly not only for parent/child rule, but for all folder change rule

The 'C'/'P'/'D' rule now can be used together, ie.

++:DC!-:"High":allc(fv("Done")) && alld(fv("Done"))

'D' rule now can combined with 'I' and 'F' flag, will only be triggered when depends item's item text changes or only when the item's folder changes



Add getpv, getcv, getdv example, you can test it using Expr Eval Dialog

Bug fix

Fixe bug crash when print week (v3.6.2.2-v3.6.2.3)



Change rule function anypf, the last arg is removed(always true)

anypf([foldername], condition)

Add eccoext option dialog misc tab

you can change the itemid range and itemid generate method

when create sync copy, the itemid will increase automatically

Add very useful rule function

getcv(exp, condition) get child value exp satisfy condition

ie. getcv(fv("count") * fv("price"), fv("price") > 100)

getpv(exp, condition) get parent value exp satisfy condition

getcfv([foldername,] exp, condition, [recursive]) get child folder exp satisfy condition

getpfv([foldername,] exp, condition) get parent folder exp satisfy condition

gifv(foldername) get nearest parent item(have folder) folder value

equal to getpv(fv(foldername), fv(foldername))

Bug fix

Fix bug related to calendar(only for v3.6.2.2)



Add rule function

anypf([foldername], condition, [recursive]) like anycf, but check the parent

cft() using in anypf/anycf/anyf get folder type

cfn() using in anypf/anycf/anyf get folder name

Bug fix

Fix bug when using "eccoext -l", sendto menu doesn't appear

Ecco Bug fix

Fix print "Two Saturday's Bug"



Add rule function

anycf([foldername], condition, [recursive]) check if you have any subfolder satisfy the condition, recursive means if there is a need to check all the decendent, default is true

when you specify one arg, this arg is condition, and the foldername is the folder with the rule

when you specify two arg, if the first arg is string type, then first arg be treated as foldername, the second arg is condition; if the first arg is not string type, the first arg is treated as condition, the second arg is recursive

anycf(cfv()) mean any decestor of the self folder have value

anycf("Notepad 1", cfv()) means any subfolder have of the folder "Notepad 1"

anycf(cfv(), false) means any child of the self folder have value

anycf("Notepad 1", cfv(), false) means any child of the folder "Notepad 1" have value

anyf(condition) like anycf, but check all the folder

cvf() only using in anycf and anyf, get the folder value being checked of the current item

for exampe, SBF is same as expression anycf(cfv())



Add "Hoist/Unhoist" function

Attention, when view is Hoisted, change the filter will Unhoist the view

Add two rule function

pos(str, sstr) return the position of the sstr in str, start from 1, return 0 is not found

rpos(str, sstr) as pos, but sstr can be regular expression

Quick search menu is organized by sub menu

Add option "Enable Auto Assign Rule", you can disable the auto assign rule when you using batch operation

Ecco Bug fix

Fix a bug when switch filter, ecco doesn't free one runtime pointer



Copy to HTML now can expand & hide in Firefox

Update folder item count after new file and close file

OLE Object will be put into Orphan folder if not assign to any folder

Add status infomation for added menu command



Search up/down will give message box if no match

The last search string will be saved in eccoext.ini

Bug fix

Fix bug "Add by form" not trigger the rule


Bug fix

Sometimes C-C/C-V will generate error in Folder window

Tooltip will not display correctly



Restore Hide Sub Item function (C-H)

Add "Hide Sub Item Extend" command, which will hide parent if current item has no child or child is hidden, default shortcut is 'Browser Back', you can change it with a shortcut dialog

Add "Toggle Expand Sub Item" command, default shortcut is 'CTRL-J'

Bug fix

Error when you press C-H in the top level folder of the notepad



Add "Search Up/Search Down/Search Next" menu item

It will search the selected text

Default shortcut (you can change with shortcut dialog)

Search Up: CTRL-F3

Search Down: ALT-F3

Search Next: F3



Hide Sub Item will hide parent if current have no child or child is hidden

Set "Browser Back/Browser Forward" key as Hide/Expand sub item(shortcut)

You can run ecco and eccoext simultaneously

Start ecco32.exe normally

Using eccoext -n start eccoext

Bug fix

Sometime generate "CFO" error when using "eccoext -l"



Restore Sort up/Sort down menu

Add Sort Up/Sort down recursive menu



Sort up/Sort down now sorts nested children (ecco only sort one level)

Warning: Please backup you eco file before test



Enhance Folder assign overflow corruption guard

Add "Show Memory Info" dialog


Bug fix

fix bug "Unable to find file..." when start on a directory containing space



eccoext.exe command option

eccoext.exe [ -l | -n ] [ecco32.exe path] [other arg for ecco32]


eccoext.exe load ecco32.exe in current directory with eccoext

eccoext.exe load ecco32.exe in current directory and open

eccoext.exe -l load eccoext into current running ecco32.exe

eccoext.exe -n load new ecco32.exe (MultipleEcco option must set)

eccoext.exe -n load new ecco32.exe and open

eccoext.exe -n c:\ecco\ecco32.exe c:\ecco\

Enhance mutiple instance support

Folder assign overflow now will not corrupt the ecco file.



Support multiple instance of ecco32

Edit option MultipleEcco=1 in eccoext.ini

Using eccoext.exe -n load new instance of ecco32

SendTo menu only to the first eccoext process

And you can not open the same file with different processes



Color folder now use RGB value

Red = 0xFF

Green = 0xFF00

Blue = 0xFF0000

Paste in column now trigger the rule

eccoext.exe add command line option "-l", load the eccoext into current running ecco32.exe

eccoext.exe -l

Ecco Bug fix

Fix ecco can not display numbering bigger than 999



Add System Color folder, value 1-14 means, you can add rule to this folder, see

1: Black

2: Dark Blue

3: Dark Green

4: Dark Magenta

5: Dark Red

6: Dark Yellow

7: Dark Gray

8: Light Gray

9: Blue

10: Green

11: Magenta

12: Red

13: Yellow

14: White

Add rule flag 'Z'(last rule flag), used on normal rule (non 'CPD' rule), means the rule will execute after other rules have been executed

The depend rule now be triggered nestly, ie. A->B->C, when C change, B will be checked, and if B changed during rule check, A will be checked.

Add option "Send Plain Text" only

Bug fix

Locked item can be changed with the date column on the *left* of the item in the calendar view

Delete from notepad don't trigger 'F' rule



Drag & Drop in notepad between different folder or diffrent notepad now triggers the rule

Rule with 'F' flag only triggered when the folder really changed

Empty item will not be put into the Orphan folder


Bug fix

SendTo Default folder failed for plain text

New file does not update title

Auto-Assign rule changes cannot be synced

Ecco Bug fix

GetChanges bug fixed, see link []


Bug fix

SendTo Default folder will sometimes not create TLI


New empty item now triggers rule



Rule dialog enhanced

Bug fix



Changed shortcut will be displayed in menu item

Shortcut customize dialog enhanced

Add rule function

FVC(fname[, cond]) Get folder value of the child with condition

FVD(fname[, cond]) Get folder value of the depends with condition

TVC([cond]) Get item text of the child with condition

TVD([cond]) Get item text of the depends with condition

TV() Like FV(), but use for get item text



SendTo command now will add format info when text is RTF

Add Expr evaluator models less dialog

global hotkey w-c-k(change it in eccoext.ini ExprEval=)

Add rule function

sumd, anyd, mind, maxd, countd, avgd, alld

just like sumc function, but it's use on depends items

Add hex number in rule expr, like 0x18 + 0xff

Bug fix

When caret on column, SendTo view not work correctly

V3.4.8.1 ChangeLog

Bug fix

Fix some small bugs.

V3.4.8 ChangeLog


Lock item now cannot change item text format

Bug fix

Fix bug "Out of ID" completely!!!!!!!!

V3.4.7 ChangeLog


Add option MarkItemDoneType=

0: orignal ecco beheviour

1: toggle done

2: overlay with current date

Bug fix

Locked item text can be deleted with select text to end

Sometime RTF paste font not correct


SendTo Active view/split is re-implemented without Shooter

V3.4.6 ChangeLog

Bug fix

Fix bug "Out of ID"(may be), thanks to Jim Chisholm, give me a file which will cause the bug.

Fix bug sometime ecco can not exit completely.

Fix some other bugs.

V3.4.5 ChangeLog


Support rtf font when RTF Paste(previous version using default font)


Restore the ecco 'smart' key handler

V3.4.4 ChangeLog

Bug fix

Rule for text type folder sometime fail (V3.4 up non-DDE)

V3.4.3 ChangeLog

Bug fix

Folder count doesn't update when open new file double clicking the file

Non DDE version will put non-tickler item in calendar sometimes

Lock icon now has a different icon when expanded or un-expanded

V3.4.2 ChangeLog

Just bug fix

Check Folder Rule crash sometimes

V3.4.1 ChangeLog


Locked item now has a different bullet

V3.4 ChangeLog

Rewrite lots of code, doesn't use DDE any more, big performance boost


Folder ItemID, Depends, Dependents now create as system folder, can not modified manualy

Add rule function GFT(fname) get folder type, 1 = CheckMark 2 = Date 3 = Number 4 = Text 5 = Pop-Up List 0 = folder doesn't exist

Bug fix

Some operation doesn't refresh folder item count

Option dialog display wrong interface when switched to shortcut page and open again

V3.3.4 ChangeLog


Locked item now can not change folder value

V3.3.3 ChangeLog


Lock item now include all selected items and there sub-items

Item lock rule

Item cannot be deleted if the item or sub-item is locked

Bug fix

(May be) Fix bug sometimes it gives a pause and followed by a series of repeated char when input char

"Send E-Mail" is changed to "Send E-Mails To..."

V3.3.2 ChangeLog


Add context menu item "Send E-Mail" for Phone View

You can select several people and send e-mail to them

You can set several e-mail folder in eccoext.ini EmailFolders=..., with separator '|', ie.


V3.3.1 ChangeLog


Add context menu item "Lock item"

Locked item can not be edited and deleted until you unlock it

Bug fix

Change contain date expr 12:00 == 12:00AM

V3.3 ChangeLog


Add eccoext option dialog

customize shortcut

set option

Bug fix

Contain date expr hh:mm[[a|p]m] doesn't handle 12:XX 0:XX correctly

[next|last] [week day] sometime doesn't correct

Calendar tooltip still shows when cusor is a little out of calendar window

Sometime new version EccoExt cannot start properly

V3.2.3 ChangeLog


Add format support hh:mm [[A|P]M] - hh:mm [[A|P]M] for contain date expr

Bug fix

Bug ALT-... shortcut doesn't work properly when tooltip displayed

V3.2.2 ChangeLog


Add format support hh:mm [AM|PM] for contain date expr

Bug fix

Some bug related to contain date expr

Sometimes sumc/anyc/allc doesn't work correctly

V3.2.1 ChangeLog


Add format support mm-dd-yyyy to contain date expr

Bug fix

Some bug related to contain date expr


Remove CTRL/SHIFT auto display tooltip, keep ALT only

Add Option "MultiFolderColumnHeight" in eccoext.ini, you can use it set the height of the Multi Folder Column dialog, min 5 max 20

V3.2 ChangeLog


Use the rule function set the date, so you can control which folder the date should assign, and you can combine more condition, ie. you can set the date to [To-Do's] folder if the item text start with "!!" and assign to [End-Date] folder if the item start with "##". Please check the to see the example.

If you use the auto date match, you only assign the date to one specific folder

Rule function

get_contain_date() get the date expression contained in item text

has_contain_date() the item text has a date expression

Lua function

get_contain_date(itemid) get the date expression contained in item text

has_contain_date(itemid) the item text has a date expression

Contain Date support following expression

Basic expression

today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow

[next|last] Mon. Monday, Tues. Tuesday, etc.

Jan. 10, February 12, etc

12/31, 11-25, etc

2008-8-1, 2009/9/1

Relative date expression

+(-)xd plus or minus "x" days (eg. +5d, -27d)

+(-)xw plus or minus "x" weeks

+(-)xm plus or minus "x" months

+(-)xy plus or minus "x" years

-2y9m 6w2d (calculates from "today")

Compute expression

9/17 + 60d (September 17 plus 60 days)

tomorrow + 4m

last Friday - 7w

next Tues + 1y4m3d (next Tuesday plus 1 year, 4 months and 3 days)

2009/5/22 + 2y 7m 19d

Auto Date Match

Support new expression +3d +2w +2m (d=day w=week m=month)

Add option DateMatchFolder in eccoext.ini to define your own folder, default is "To Do's"

Auto Folder Match

Your can define the folder your want to auto match item with option ItemMatchFolders in eccoext.ini, you can define more than one folder, seperate them with '|'

Then when the item text contain "[FolderName]", the item will be put into the folder automatically

For exampe, define ItemMatchFolders=Call | Meet to, when the item text contain "[Call]", it will be put into "Call" folder, and if the item text contains "[Meet to]", it will be put into "Meet to" folder


Change option "Enable Item Auto Match" to "Enable Auto Date Match" and "Enable Auto Folder Match"

RTF Copy

Fix bug when sometime the Format info not correct

V3.1.1 ChangeLog

LUA function

get_item_type(itemid) 1: text 2:OLE 0: non-exist

has_depend_item(itemid, ditemid) check if the itemid has depends item ditemid 1:yes 0: no

get_depend_items(itemid) return all depends items table

add_depend_item(itemid, ditemid)

remove_depend_item(itemid, ditemid)


create_sub_item(itemid, text)

set_item_text(itemid, text)

get_folder_items(folderName) return all items table belong to the folder


SendTo Default Folder, you can set folders of any type, the default value is:

Date: current date

Number: 0

Text: space ' '

Popup: The first item of popup value

CheckMark: checked

Bug fix

Sometime don't show "Item Sent" message when using "SendTo Default Folder"

Fix bug sometimes Right Click Menu item is grayed when enable SendTo menu (like Adobe Premiere Pro, no test possible without the software)

V3.1 ChangeLog


You can temporally enable tooltip by pressing CTRL or ALT or SHIFT key when moving the mouse

Add option enable/disable "Tooltip follow cursor"

Bug fix

Error when paste blank RTF text

Fix (maybe) 'unable to read or write configuration file' when ecco.cfx is corrupted

Shortcut handle ATL key combination correctly

V3.0.0.5 ChangeLog

RTF Paste bug fix

If the first line begin 'TAB', paste outline will add a blank line

Sometime paste will hang


RTF Paste menu item will be grayed if there is no RTF text in clipboard

V3.0.0.4 ChangeLog

RTF Paste

Correctly handle the bullet and numbering text

Some bug fix

V3.0.0.3 ChangeLog

RTF Paste

Performance boost

Paste Outline now support 'TAB' as indent

Some bug fix

V3.0.0.2 ChangeLog

RTF Paste

Add support Paste Outline

V3.0.0.1 ChangeLog


Add toggle "Enable SendTo Menu" option

RTF Copy

Add support OLE bitmap

RTF Paste

Split text when there are too many styles in text, ecco can only contain128 styles of text in one item

V3.0 ChangeLog

Support Paste RTF

V2.9.0.2 ChangeLog

Support Copy to HTML

Can paste as text and save as HTML file

Re-organizer right click menu

Bug fix

Fix bug: Error copy to RTF when item contains carriage char

V2.9.0.1 ChangeLog

Copy to RTF

Add sub-item indent

V2.9 ChangeLog

Support Copy to RTF

contain all color, font, font size, font style information

V2.8.0.2 ChangeLog


Startup provide option to terminate process when a detected ecco32.exe is already started

Bug fix

Change folder value in with column generate error(only in

V2.8.0.1 ChangeLog

Bug fix

Global mouse wheel should be compatibale with more applications

Change folder value in calendar view with Popup column generate error (r634718 report this bug)

Try this version with DEP enabled

V2.8 ChangeLog

Usb Mode

Fix the "Unhandled Registry Error (CFO)"


Add folder tooltip

Beautify the long item/folder value display

Bug fix

Trigger the rule when using subfolder column to set the folder value

Tooltip text display break when item text or folder value contain '\t' to begin the line

V2.7 ChangeLog

Support USB run mode

In USB run mode

Config file ecco.fdb ecco.cfx ecco.alm is saved in Ecco directory

Config registry is saved in ecco.ini in Ecco directory

To enable USB mode, set the option "USBMode" to 1 in eccoext.ini and restart the eccoext

Add "SendTo Ecco Default Folder" command in sendto menu

Send Selected text to Ecco Folders

You can set the Default Folders in eccoext.ini "SendToFolders"

Multiple folders can be set with separator '|', like "Quick Notes|Other"


Add Keyword IFC as item folder count


If the item have no folders, it will be show as "Folders: No Folder"

Bug fix

Popup value can be edit normally

SendTo now correctly triggers the rule

V2.6 ChangeLog

Add "Paste with column" command, combine with the command "Copy with column", you can exchange data with Excel freely, the pasted text has two formats


With "Copy with column" like header

First line is ItemText and later folder name

The first line will not be pasted, and the value will put into an apropriate folder


Without header

Seperated by TAB

The folder value is pasted by the view column


The first TABs will be removed

The item text should not include NEW LINE

Add right click menu item(Click on left edge of the Window)

Add Depends ID# <== Cursor

Remove Depends ID# <== Cursor

Item Tooltip

Add two option

"Enable Notepad Item ToolTip"

"Enable Calendar Item ToolTip"

Notepad Item ToolTip doesn't show the parent information

Date Folder value now display as: yyyy-mm-dd [hh:mm[-hh:mm]]

The tooltip will continue showing when move the mouse until you click the mouse or enter char

Remove ID from tooltip

Only show parents on Calendar view

Show tooltip when cursor over column area

Display first 80 character for long item text and folder value

Bug fix

ToolTip now displays correctly in composite view

V2.5 ChangeLog

Add lots of shortcut commands, see eccoext.ini

Add Show Item Info when mouse on item text, info include:



Folders and value

Depends Item

Depend By Item

You can change the start delay time with the option "ItemToolTipStartDelay"

V2.4 ChangeLog

Rewrite the depends relationship implementation

The ItemID folder now totally independ from Item ID

You can manually assign a number(not Recommended) or use the menu item command "Assign/Copy #ID ==> Clipboard"(Recommended)

You can set or remove the depends relationship with menu command

With auto-assign #ID, you have little chance encounter the same #ID between synced file (There is total 10000000 ID number)

In case you encounter two same #ID after synced, it will be putted in "Collision Item" folder, and you can select some of them and use menu item "Refresh Selected Item #ID" to fix them

Add two command "Scroll Column Left" and "Scroll Column Right"

You can set the short-cut in option.ini

The short-cut default set as 'C-LEFT' and 'C-RIGHT'

Bug fix

V2.3 ChangeLog

Add rule function

anyc(condition) return true if there is at least one child item which meets the conditon

allc(condition) return true if all child items meet the condition

Reorganize the rule check sequence

First check item itself if No 'P' 'C' 'D' flag

Check all parent item with all 'C' rule

Check all sub-item with all 'P' rule

Check all dependent item with all 'D' rule

Then check the Orphan

Rule expression now support c/c++ type comment

Line comment '//'

Block comment '/*' '*/'

Add option for enable Global non-focus mouse wheel support

Bug fix

V2.2 ChangeLog

Add rule function

substr(str, start [, len]) start from 1

left(str, len)

right(str, len)




minc(value [, condition])

maxc(value [, condition])

avgc(value, [, condition])


V2.1 ChangeLog

Add non-focus mouse wheel support

Add sumc(value[, condition]) for sum all children, please look at

Add FV(fname) to get folder value using in aggregate function

Bug fix

eval nest level max up to 10

mouse wheel over border will generate "Unable to complete command" error

folder type submenu doesn't have right checkmark

V2.0 ChangeLog

Add new rule function

eval(str) for dynamic execute rule

GFV(fname) to get folder value

GPFV(fname) to get parent item folder value

GDFV(fname) to get current changed dependent item folder value

The function GFV, GPFV, GDFV has same function with [fname] [^fname] and [@fname], but now you can use expression, not only fixed string

Support item text date auto match to To-Do's folder

When you type text more than 10 char and less than 256 char, the date will be put into To-Do's folder

Support date format:

today, tomorrow, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow

[next] Mon. Monday, Tues. Tuesday, etc.

Jan. 10, February 12, etc

12/31, 11-25, etc

2008-8-1, 2009/9/1

Add option menu item "Toggle Enable Item Auto Match"

Bug fix

V1.9 ChangeLog

Import item will trigger the rule

Item info dialog set folder will trigger the rule

Enable XP theme

Add option menu item

Toggle Start minimized

Toggle Close to tray

Toggle Minimize to tray

Toggle Enable traditional rule

Add LUA function

get_select_items Get all select item id table

Bug fix

V1.8 ChangeLog

Add folder checking status dialog

Add "Copy with column" menu item

Loader will check if the ecco32.exe version is

Some bug fix

V1.7 ChangeLog

Add menu enable/disable folder item count

Show open file name at window title and icon tooltip

Add lua function

get_item_children(itemid) return children table

debug(msg) output debug message, use dbgview to view the output

msgbox(msg, title) show a message box

Add rule flag 'C' apply rule for parent item when subitem change

Lua script now can use all module, include string, table, io, math, debug, package, os

Add exit menu item in system menu

Mark item Done toggle now only apply to menu, not shortcut

Now possible add launch menu item with LUA Script

Open launch menu editor

Create New command

In the command textbox, input "LUAScript:funcname arg1 arg2 ..."

funcname is the LUA function name, make sure there is no space before and after ':'

arg1 arg2 .. is the function arguments

Create lua script file in ecco directory named "luacmd.lua"

Write LUA function in file "luacmd.lua", you may write several function in this file

Some bug fix

V1.6 ChangeLog

Rule change

Add flag 'P' indicate execute when parent change

Add [^folderName] as parent folder name

ItemID folder sync will be checked every time item/folder changes

Folder tree will now add a count of itself and a count of all sub folders

Toggle the folder tree to see the effect

V1.5 ChangeLog

Add config file eccoext.ini

Enable/Disable some modify

Change global hotkey

Change shortcuts for most ECCO commands

hotkey/shortcut syntax like these

prefix + prefix +... + key


W Win key

C Control key

S Shift key

A Alt key




other assci


F1 - F12



C-LEFT control left

C-S-O control shift O

Folder state will keep the view between sessions

even when you close ecco, the next time ecco opens, you will have the folder in the state when you closed ecco

Add Folder ItemID to save item ID

This folder is auto maintained by the program when you create depends relationships

When Use Copy Notepad command, please add ItemID folder to view, and it will be refreshed automatically

When export to other file, please add ItemID

When import ecco file, the ItemID will refresh automatically

You can refresh ItemID manualy with Folder Menu Item "Refresh ItemID Folder"

Add new rule flag 'S' indicate the rule should be executed when Date Change, and it will execute when a file is loaded

Check All Folder command execute is much faster than before

It take less than 1 seconds when no rule in Forum Database File

And take about 5 seconds put one SBF rule in Forum Database File

Rule value and Rule condition

Lots of updates, now supports regex match and replace function

The value part now can use an expression as condition, so you can extract more information from item text

Please see the help section below

V1.4 ChangeLog

Rule now support LUA language

Add new rule flag 'L' indicate the rest is LUA script

Provide three function to get ecco information

set_folder_value(folder_name, item_id, value)

if the value is "", the item will be removed from folder

if the folder type is checkmark

value '0' means uncheck

value '1' means check

if the folder type is Date, value may be following format



get_folder_value(folder_name, item_id)


Script parameter, the following variable is passed as arguments, you can use it in you script

folder_name The folder name of the Rule in

item_id Current Item ID

depend_item_id Dependent item ID if is the depends Rule

With LUA rule, you can set every folder value within one rule, and do such things like search/replace, compute etc.

Add testlua.exe for you test LUA script

Small change

Do not use popup taskbar area menu when the dialogbox showing

Remove the find/replace fix, you can do it yourself by Resource Editor by add CBS_AUTOHSCROLL attribute to combox

Restore the 'Search Complete' dialog, sometime later I will provide option to enable it

Rule edit box now can input ENTER and TAB ( convert to 4 spaces )

V1.3 ChangeLog

Replaced regex engine with more roboust one, now support greedy and non-greedy match

Item info dialog bug fix, now change ID when press PREV and NEXT button

Replace folder value prefix and postfix with '[' and ']', incompatiable with the previous version, because the '<' and '>' character is conflict with the bigger and smaller operator

Add two keyword in rule expression

NOW current date and time

TODAY current date

You can build folder like 'Recent Task'

Support operator in rule expression

+ Add, you can add between like:

"abc" + "cde"

3 + 4

3.5 + 4.7

"abc" + 7

Today + 7

- Subtract, you can use sub like:

[Done] - 1

18 - 9

[Done] - Today

Y2K bug for Recurring folder fixed

Other small bug fix

V1.2 ChangeLog

Regex support in auto assign rule

Auto assign rule set Value can be composite of normal string, Folder value and the Regex subexp, see example

Now it can completely replace the orignal auto assign rule!

Auto assign rule edit dialog now can input more than 31 character

You do not need to break line manually, the EccoPro extension will do it for you

Append three flag for auto assign rule

Flag 'I' mean rule apply only when item text change

Flag 'F' mean rule apply only when item folder change

Flag 'D' mean rule apply only when dependent item change

Item dependent supported

You can set dependent relationship between item

And when the dependent item change, you can execute some rule

See the example following

Item info dialog display itemID now

Some bug fix

V1.1 ChangeLog

Keyboard shortcut problem

Split and Join item will trigger the Autoassign rule

Load warning when Ecco is running

Taskbar area icon menu is disappear when click outside

Add some auto assign rule example

Auto Assign text only 31 character limit

Restore the CTRL-LEFT CTRL-RIGHT shortcut


Y2K tickler bug fix

MouseWheel support

support mouse wheel for any pane of view

support mouse wheel for folder

Taskbar icon area

Start minimized to taskbar icon area

Close/Minimize to taskbar icon area

Enable/Disable shooter on taskbar icon menu

New toolbar icon

Enhanced auto assign rule

New auto assign rule support column value and some Boolean expressions

New auto assign rule has the following format


The first '++:' is the new rule prefix

flag will decide how to use the rule, it may be followed by a character, one or more

T the rule only applies to TLI item

D the rule only applies for depends check

P the rule only applies for parent changes

C the rule only applies for sub item changes

I the rule only applies when item text or item level changes

F the rule only applies when item folder is changed

S the rule only applies when file first Load for Date changes

L the rule is LUA script

when this flag is set, flag '+-!' is will not be checked

and it is script right after the ':'

+ the folder will be set if the expr is true and the folder value has not set

- the folder will be clear if the expr is false

! the folder will be set if the expr is true, if the folder has the value, new value will overlay the old value

If the folder type is date, the folder will be set to the present time if the value is empty and expr is true, otherwise use the value

If the type of folder is not a date, it will use value as set

If the +-! flag not set, default is +

if the flag 'F' and flag 'I' is not set, default is 'FI'

value is the folder value will be set if the expr is true

for checkmark type folder, value can be empty

for date type folder, empty value means Today

for other type folder, empty value means remove folder

value have the same syntax as expr, see follows

expr has following expression

expression token

( ) use to group expression

ITT means Item Text

PTT means Parent Item Text

ITP means Item Type

SBF means if there is child or sub child folder set

[folder name] means the folder value of the item

if the folder name has prefix '@', that means the dependent item folder value, if the folder name has prefix '^', that means the parent item folder value, or else it is the current item folder value

for example value [Done] means use Done folder value as folder value

and value [@Done] means the dependent item folder Done value

and value [^Done] means the parent item folder Done value

{ } means the first Regex subexp

value {0} means use the whole match string

value {1} means the first subexp string

= equals

== equals

!= not equals

<> not equals

! not

> bigger than

>= bigger or equal than

< small than

<= small or equal than

?= equal ignore case

~= Regexp include string

~~= Regexp include string ignore case

+ add two number or string, or add integer to date

- sub two number or date, or sub interger from date

* multiply two number

/ divide two number

NOW The current date and time

TODAY The current date

&& and

|| or

AND and

OR or

NOT not

TRUE true

FALSE false

number any number

'string' string

"string" string

expression function

len(str) length of string

match(str, pat) return the matched part of string, pat is regex

imatch(str, pat) like match, but ignore case

replace(str, pat, rep) replace all mateched part with rep

ireplace(str, pat, rep) like replace, but ignore case

iff(cond, true_value, false_value) if cond is true, return true_value else return false_value

expression example

Item text include string 'hello'

ITT ~= 'hello'

Item text include and has folder Done set

ITT ~= 'hello && <Done>

Item type is text and foder Done is '20070101'

ITP == 1 && <Done> == '20070101'

expr support regex expression for operator '~=' and '~~=' and match, imatch, replace, ireplace function

Implements the following expressions

\ Quote the next metacharacter

^ Match the beginning of the string

. Match any character

$ Match the end of the string

| Alternation

() Grouping (creates a capture)

(?:) Non capture group

[] Character class

Greedy closure

* Match 0 or more times

+ Match 1 or more times

? Match 1 or 0 times

{n} Match exactly n times

{n,} Match at least n times

{n,m} Match at least n but not more than m times

Non-Greedy closure

Add "?" after the greedy closure

Escape character

\t tab (HT, TAB)

\n newline (LF, NL)

\r return (CR)

\f form feed (FF)

Predefined classes

\w alphanimeric [0-9a-zA-Z]

\W non alphanimeric

\s space

\S non space

\d digits

\D non nondigits

\b word boundary

\B non word boundary

New auto assign rule example

Timestamp the TLI item create time(Date folder)


Timestamp the TLI item modify time(Only on Date folder)


Check the folder if any subfolder have checked for any item(Checkmark folder)


Check the folder if any subfolder have checked and uncheck the folder if no any subfolder checked


If item contains text 'hello' check the folder, and if not, uncheck the folder


Set folder value to <Done> value if the item text contains string 'hello' ( It can be used as conditional Merge Column Value)

++:+:[Done]:[Done] && ITT ~~= 'hello'

Regexp assign rule example

Find the web address to [Net Location]


Find the mail address to <E-Mail>


Find the post message number form 'Message #1111'

++:!-:{1}:ITT~='Message #(\d+)'

When the item text change or folder value change or set or clear, the rule will be checked automatically, but when you change the rule, you need to recheck the rule over all item, you can do these by

Check the new auto assign rule for one Folder over all item

Open the folder window

Select the folder you want to operate

Click the right mouse button

Select the menu item <Check Folder Rules>

Check the auto assign rule for all Folder over all item

Open the folder window

Click the folder button to see the folder menu or

Click the right mouse button on any folder

Select the menu item <Check All Folder rules>

Item dependent

Set the dependent relationship between items

Use the depends folder to set the dependent relationship

If you have Item A, Item B and Item C, and you want to set A depends B and C

Use the item info dialog to see the item ID of B and C

Set the depends folder value of Item A with the item ID of B and C, seperate them with ','

for example the depends folder may be '20, 21'

Set the dependent rule for folder

With the rule flag 'D', you can set the rule which execute when the dependent item change

and you can use the dependent item's folder value with prefix '@' before folder name

Example using item dependent

To-Do's task dependent

Create new folder named To-Do Time

Set the To-Do's rule as following

++:D+-:<To-Do Time>:[@Done]

Create task item and set the To-Do Time of the task

Set the depends folder value of the item

Automatically set priority to High when other item Complete

Set the priority rule as following


Orphan Folder

When the Item's folder count is zero, it will be assign to Orphan folder

When the item in the Orphan folder assign to other folder, it will be remove from the Orphan folder

Orphan foder is in "New Columns" folder, you can move it anywhere

Block Paste

Use short cut CTRL-ALT-V to paste block text

Use menu

Right click the mouse, and see the menu item <Paste Blocks>

Copy without subitem

Use short cut CTRL-ALT-C to copy selected item without any subitem

Use menu

Right click the mouse, and see the menu item <Copy Items>

SendTo Ecco Menu Item

Switch to other application like IE, Opera, Notepad

Select some text and click the right mouse button

You will find two menu item

<SendTo Default Folder> Send Select text to Folder your set in eccoext.ini

<SendTo Ecco> Send Select text or bitmap to Ecco Active View with one block

<SendTo Ecco Split> Send Select text or bitmap to Ecco Active View

At present office programs like Word, Excel are not supported, Firefox is not supported

But you can use a global short cut

WIN-C Same as <SendTo Default Folder>

WIN-X Same as <SendTo Ecco>

WIN-Z Same as <SendTo Ecco Split>

Other feature

Toggle caption short cut <WIN-CTRL-T>

Toggle screen color <WIN-CTROL-P>

Non modal dialog like <Find dialog> has right icon, not blank icon

Sub-folder column now can display 10 rows

C-S-I and C-A-I is shortcut for Item Info dialog

The warning message box 'no printer' is removed

The message box 'Search complete' is removed

The shooter window will initially hide, you can display it use 'WIN-S' or use the taskbar icon menu


Please mail to slangmgh  [at] netease [dot] com if you have any suggestion


This software is provided as-is, without warranty of ANY KIND, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. Use this software is risky, the author shall NOT be held liable for ANY damage to your computer, your data file, or to anything else, that may result from its use, or misuse. Basically, you use it at YOUR OWN RISK.